Robert Fettgather Ph.D. is an adjunct professor of psychology at Mission College and former Clinical Director of Robert Fettgather Associates, a psychology practice providing individual, couple, group and family therapy for adults and children. He holds a Ph.D in Psychology and Masters degrees in both Psychology and Special Education and received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from West Valley College. Dr. Fettgather has served as Special Consultant in psychometrics to the Departments of Education and Developmental Disabilities for the State of California. He holds a specialist credential in learning handicapped and community college credentials in both psychology and developmental disabilities. The Institute for Personality and Ability Testing has certified Dr. Fettgather as a Stress Management Trainer, and Medical Hypnosis Seminars of the Los Gatos Institute has certified him in Clinical Hypnotherapy. At Santa Clara University, Graduate Department of Education and Counseling Psychology, his studies included Health Education and Behavioral Medicine. He has practiced meditation for more than forty years. Dr. Fettgather studied religion and spirituality at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and is co-founder of the Tashi Lhunpo Sangha, Palo Alto California. He is a member of the American Federation of Teachers and Psychologists for Social Responsibility.
Dr. Fettgather has taught life span psychology (conception to death) for more than thirty-five years. He has received the Santa Clara University’s Certificate of Recognition for Published Work. His writings have been published in the Transactional Analysis Journal (Translated to French per the Centre Pour La Formationet L’intervention Psycho-Sociologiques), Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, Lifelong Learning and distributed by the Insitut De Recherches Psychologiques, Quebec, Canada. Requests for his work have come from The Mental Handicap Research Unit, Helsinki, Finland; Trent University Department of Psychology, Ontario, Canada; the Psychology Department of Brockhall Hospital, Blackburn, England; and Douglas Hospital Rehabilitation Program, Quebec, Canada. Besides Mission College, Dr. Fettgather has taught at San Jose State University and National University. He has addressed Local, State and National Conferences on a variety of topics.
His latest article is Guardianship of the Infantilized Elder: A Pipeline to the Institution Industrial Complex?, published on line by the International Network For Critical Gerontology.