People Watching Tips

Robert Fettgather
2 min readAug 8, 2023


Robert Fettgather, Ph.D. is a lifelong peopler observer. He is an instuctor in Psychology at Mission College in Santa Clara, California.

Whether you’re an aspiring writer, psychologist, or simply enjoy the curious observation of others, these tips will help you make the most of your people watching experiences.

People watching should never feel like an intrusion into someone’s personal space. Aim to be inconspicuous and blend into the surroundings. Places with diverse crowds will provide a broader range of behaviors to observe.

Bring a small notebook or use your smartphone to jot down interesting observations. Recording your thoughts and impressions in real-time ensures you don’t miss valuable details that might fade from memory later.

Body language speaks volumes about a person’s emotions and intentions. Observe gestures, facial expressions, and postures to decipher how people feel and react to different situations. Watch how people interact with one another. Take note of verbal and non-verbal cues during conversations, as they can reveal the dynamics of relationships and the underlying emotions. Be aware of cultural nuances, as behavior can vary significantly across different societies. What might be acceptable in one culture could be considered rude or inappropriate in another.

People watching is an art that requires patience, sensitivity, and a keen eye for detail. By respecting others’ privacy, staying discreet, and adopting a curious, empathetic approach, we can gain valuable insights into the human experience. As we observe the beautiful tapestry of human interactions, we also learn more about ourselves and the world we inhabit.



Robert Fettgather

Dr. Robert Fettgather holds a PhD in psychology, master’s degrees in psychology and special education, and a bachelor of arts in psychology.