The Fourth Estate

Robert Fettgather has taught at San Jose State University, National University and Mission College in Santa Clara. He has addressed State and National Conferences on a variety of topics. Robert Fettgather has also served as Special Consultant in psychometrics to the Departments of Education and Developmental Disabilities for the State of California. His writings have been published in the Transactional Analysis Journal (Translated to French per the Centre Pour La Formationet L’intervention Psycho-Sociologiques), Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, and Lifelong Learning. Robert Fettgather holds a specialist credential in learning handicapped and community college credentials in both learning and developmental disabilities.
A free press is often termed the fourth estate, acting as a cornerstone of democracy by upholding transparency, accountability, and the essential rights of citizens. In a society that champions freedom, the press functions as a vigilant watchdog, meticulously scrutinizing the actions of those in authority, disseminating information to the public, and offering a platform for a diverse array of voices and viewpoints. Most would heartily agree that the significance of a free press in safeguarding democratic values and encouraging civic involvement cannot be overstated!
Let’s consider history: a free press has proven to be a formidable defense against authoritarianism and tyranny. In nations where press freedom is curtailed or suppressed, dissenting voices are silenced, and governmental accountability is compromised. A free press acts as a check on the concentration of power, challenging abuses of authority and upholding democratic principles against encroachments. By safeguarding the freedom of the press, society guards against the erosion of civil liberties and ensures that the voices of the populace continue to be heard and respected.
In a society founded on principles of liberty, a free press is not a luxury but a necessity, vital for the proper functioning of democracy and the protection of individual rights and freedoms. Whether as the custodian of truth and accountability, the facilitator of civil discourse and exchange of ideas, the champion of minority rights and freedoms, or the bulwark against authoritarianism and despotism, the press plays an indispensable role in shaping public opinion, enlightening citizens, and holding power to account. By upholding press freedom and supporting independent journalism, society upholds the foundations of democracy and ensures a fairer, more transparent, and inclusive future for all.